Spondylolisthesis/Spinal Instability


A condition where a vertebra slips out of place onto the bone below it, causing pain and nerve compression.

How You Know You May Have This Condition?

Symptoms include lower back pain, stiffness, radiating leg pain, and difficulty walking, often worsening over time and unresponsive to conservative treatments.

How Does Dr. Hashmi Approach This Condition?

Dr. Hashmi performs a detailed evaluation using imaging studies to assess the severity of vertebral slippage and formulates a surgical plan to stabilize the spine.

What Is The Process Of Treating This Condition?

Treatment may involve physical therapy, pain management, or surgical procedures such as spinal fusion to stabilize the vertebrae and relieve pressure on the nerves.

What Is The Typical Procedure Used To Treat This Condition?

Recovery includes a hospital stay of a few days, with a gradual return to normal activities over several weeks to months, supported by physical therapy.


Excessive movement between vertebrae due to conditions like degenerative disc disease, spondylolisthesis, or trauma, leading to pain and neurological symptoms.

How You Know You May Have This Condition?

Symptoms include chronic back or neck pain, radiating pain to the extremities, and neurological deficits, often confirmed through imaging studies and unresponsive to conservative treatments.

How Does Dr. Hashmi Approach This Condition?

Dr. Hashmi uses advanced diagnostic tools to assess spinal instability and formulates a surgical plan to stabilize the spine, which may include fusion or instrumentation.

What Is The Process Of Treating This Condition?

Treatment typically involves spinal fusion or placement of hardware to stabilize the spine and alleviate symptoms, using minimally invasive techniques when possible.

What Is The Typical Procedure Used To Treat This Condition?

Recovery includes a hospital stay of a few days, with a gradual return to normal activities over several weeks to months, supported by physical therapy.

Our Working Process

Our Way of Operation


Consultation and Diagnosis

Choosing an expert doctor is crucial for ensuring quality care.


Personalized Treatment Plan

We are here to assist you with scheduling your appointment.


Advanced Surgical Intervention

Highly specialized healthcare consultants for your needs.


Comprehensive Care and Follow-up

Long-term care and follow-up from our team of experts.

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